
Thursday 29 January 2015



Anyone could choose to pretend and deceive others but only big fools deceive themselves. Whatever we might have experienced from what life has got to offer lies within us irrespective of what is being portrayed.

 I promise not to bore you with too much words here!
It is no news but I love to mention that “you can only give what you have”. I love to also say that “you can as well tell what you do not have” and if you care enough to have what(knowledge) you do not have, you could go search for it. No need for deceit!

Our teenagers cry on the inside and silently seek for help- broken, but we silently leave them to face life and make them reach a conclusion (often time false) from whatever they are experiencing. This we unconsciously do when  we join them to pretend all is well or we are too ashamed to let them know the mess we have had to deal with/struggling to deal with in life. We leave them to take crucial decisions by not showing necessary concern and then, we put their lives into the hands of Devourers.
Either good or bad, we have got one or two things to tell- which has either brought us fortune or regret. The bottom line is this; we were not ALL GOOD while growing up! We could CAUTION and DISCIPLINE, give RULES and ORDERS but the WHY to the rules and discipline is what they must know because many do not have an understanding, so, they only obey by OBLIGATION and the rules become more difficult to follow when the rule maker herself is found guilty of her own rule!!

 Many questions are raised in their minds; the TEENAGERS, and they eagerly seek for answers within them. It is therefore, imperative to make ourselves as adults available to meet their numerous- SENSITIVE needs, whatever happens at this time goes a long way.

This is my observation, the fear of UNKNOWN RESPONSE makes them keep the cat in the basket, especially when it comes to SEXUALITY- Many have gone astray as a result of a wrong message, and lack of proper information. “Their need is not only a LISTENING EAR but RECEPTIVE HEART”- they seek for attention and someone who could understand the exact way they feel without criticism or punishment. This is why they would rather confide in a peer, keep secrets with friends and later bite their fingers because their friends are usually  as ignorant. Unfortunately, the big aunties behave like they were perfect teenagers while growing up!

Here is my plea; INSTRUCTIONS and ORDERS are not bad neither is STRICT DISCIPLINE, but “ADEQUATE INFORMATION prior these  could prevents some CHAO".                                                                                          
For them, your mistakes is knowledge, your testimonies is encouragement but your silence could mean death! Do I mean our rags are to be publicly washed? No, but they could be used for clean-up and prevent further mess. You fell victim of your errors to reduce the number of people who would fall into same, if only only you care. 

Congrats to you if you never made a mistake as a girl, You also  need to remember to teach those values without pushing away the broken with judgmental attitudes and words!

If we all continue to present ourselves like we were saint teenagers, we continue to put the future of today’s teenagers at risk. We were not ALL GOOD!
The broken are not beyond repair, and the intact could err.  We cannot afford to be (continue to be) silent. It is good to prevent brokenness, better to repair the broken but the worse is to leave the broken lonely.

Teach and Show a girl the right path
She will not depart from it
She will show other girls
Her generation and next will be saved
We all would be save.


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