
Tuesday 25 November 2014

Call To Liberation

The war to victory and silent war for peace involved in by great women has given today's women a platform. Majority accepted and maintain the status quo while great women stood to speak for all. The days when the "she" would do it butthe "He" would have it, the former would be built but only the later could be displayed or presented. The best were kept for "him" and "she" was only seen as a second class citizen. Through thick and thin, in the face of rejection and opposition, great women with burning ambitions and dreams said "it must stop!" and they were eager to have a society that support their dreams and heal them of suffocation from the heat of hard training and unsubtle discipline that only direct their feet to the kitchen.

Early this year, I engaged in a female discussion with a man, and he said "I think we need male liberation more than female liberation" because men has over time put themselves in an unknown captivity of their ego because they were never in "gender- caused captivity".

The males are becoming more sensitive with female issues as I heard another man said "females are now 70% more lucky than males". This article is not to raise a debate of whether these sayings are true but serves as a pointer to the assurance of a better tomorrow for the female folks. "Do we realize and maximize the opportunities hanging in the air?" I asked myself. It is one thing to have a society that supports gender equal right and it is another thing for females to present themselves right- beat requirements and be proven fit by all standards.
...they only worked, but had no platform, they had what it takes to be builders but got nothing to cement the bricks of their ideas, they remain great women of values who we never knew. 
Ironically, in the 21st century, where a man observed and concluded that females enjoy more opportunities than males and males need to work harder than ever (delivered from the captivity of their ego), females are still in search of a working and wealthy men neglecting their own lives and are put into the captivity of laziness and mediocrity !!! The euphoria of beauty and possessions get us entangled in the web mediocrity, leaving us with no spectacular skill and knowledge, rendering us unfit, yet, we want to climb up the ladder !!!
If several women had silently fought and many women are tirelessly working and  brainstorming to ensure the security of the female folks and females fail to equip themselves; to individually say NO to mediocrity with their actions, all effort to achieve gender equality, particularly in leadership role would only come to naught.

  Am I saying the female gender has gotten there? No, but we are not where we used to be, we have an assurance of a better tomorrow. We are change agents that should not be negatively changed by diverse agents -MATERIALS, FOOD, MONEY, SEX and many more. It is high time we kept reminding ourselves that our LIBERATION will not be fully enjoyed until we break ourselves from the shackles of shallow thinking, have a dream and work on it until it becomes a reality. We are not only made fit for the kitchen but also for the PALACE.
If a woman can conceive and give birth to a life, she can conceive great ideas and birth her vision. 

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